H.O.G. Officer Connection – Events and COVID-19 Guidance
March-HOG-Officer-Connection A word from H.O.G. National Chapter Leaders; Since late January, Harley-Davidson has had a dedicated team monitoring...
March-HOG-Officer-Connection A word from H.O.G. National Chapter Leaders; Since late January, Harley-Davidson has had a dedicated team monitoring...
With the imposed restrictions as a result of COVID19 please make sure you are checking the website, email...
The weather in October is always a potential challenge in Colorado. This day happened to be particularly beautiful!...
Be sure and turn in your mileage for 2019 by November 29, 2019! Submit to safety@pphog.com Best way...
Don’t forget to submit your passes for the 2019 High Altitude Challenge! You can email your completed form...
Available through Motorcycle Training Academy! https://www.motorcycletrainingacademy.com/courses.php Red Cross First Aid, CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automatic external...
The 5N1 has been the signature ride for Pike’s Peak Harley Owners Group for twenty years. The object...