Motorcycle season is underway in Colorado.

“It’s exciting. It’s a great time of year,” said Jeff Munsch. “There’s a lot of bikes on the road.”

With bikes out and about, there’s also the potential for tragedy to strike.

“You have to respect the motorcycle for what it is and what can happen in the event that things go wrong.”

Munsch is the safety officer for Pikes Peak HOG Chapter 405. He’s never been in a motorcycle accident as explained at Bengal Law website, but he knows plenty of others who haven’t been as fortunate.

“As a kid growing up, I grew up in western Kansas in a very small town…there were motorcycle accidents all the time so you know who those people are.” In case you are involved in an accident, you can look into and contact experienced lawyers who will defend your rights and get you out of the situation.

Hoping to avoid a similar fate, Munsch’s mindset is “being seen, being aware of what’s around you, and making sure that those that are in vehicles or whatever around you see you as well.”

Steve Clark, general manager of Rocky Mountain Cycle Plaza, says it doesn’t stop there.

“I feel one of the biggest parts of motorcycle safety is wearing proper safety gear and some sort of a proper safety coat…gloves also…a very key safety component is wearing a helmet of some type.”

Keeping motorcyclists safe is also a responsibility for drivers as well.

Clark said, “They just need to be paying attention to driving their vehicle and not distracted by electronic devices, and just pay attention to their surroundings.”

It’s a team effort on the roads to help everyone arrive home in one piece.

Another essential part of motorcycle safety is proper training. The Colorado State Patrol is the new lead coordinator of the Motorcycle Operator Safety Training program (MOST).

For more information on the program click here.

See the full story here!