In Case You Missed It!


Here is a recap of the February Chapter Meeting

Lymer Vision extended the benefit to your significant other. See the attached Flyer!
Grab Bag Event for the Ladies! Pikes Peak Harley Davidson will be holding a “special event” for our Lady HOG Members on February 24th from 6-8pm at the dealership. As much as you can stuff into a bag provided by the dealership for $150 and believe me, you can stuff a lot into a bag and only pay $150 for it! Don’t miss out on this event, one can never have enough HOG merch!
Order your rockers here!  As part of our transition to our new patches, you can order the “year” rocker by clicking on this link. Your cost is $3.00/rocker . Accountants Nottingham has said that this chapter will cover the setup fee and the tax. We will place an order with the vendor in about 3 weeks to allow time for you to get your order in.
            Link to the online store:
Treasury reports and Officer meeting minutes are available on the website here:
New Chapter Challenge for 2021 will be to visit some of our more prominent National Parks and Historic Sites in the state but we don’t know what to call it. How about you, any ideas for a challenge name? Please share your ideas for this challenge with an email or check out our facebook page at pikes peak hog #405 and let us know what you think….more to come on this new challenge!
HOG Chapter #405 Officers