Hey everyone!

On behalf of the officers we hope you are washing your hands, practicing social distancing and trying to make the best of the situation…a real bummer that motorcycle riding is frowned upon…be safe out there.

Even though we are not meeting today, here are just a few things we are working on

Social Media

  • Please check out the new 5N1 facebook page created by Mark Watkins!
  • The PPHOG #405 5-in-1 High Altitude Ride and Poker Run
  • Please share your 5N1 photos and check out the page for updates and details as the 5N1 draws near.
  • The Pikes Peak HOG #405 facebook page at Pikes Peak #405 and our website at com
  • Also, keep an eye out for more social media 5N1 advertising and tell your friends!

COVID-19 Update

  • Due to current restrictions for COVID-19 all April events are cancelled.
  • We will continue to monitor local and state guidelines and make decisions as chapter events draw near.
  • This includes the 5N1, as of now, we are still “ON” with the hope that this is all over by then so we can get out, ride and enjoy the event. Please check out the website to sign up and look for details. https://pikespeakharleyownersgroup.com/5in1/
  • Everyone stay safe and healthy so we can “hit the road” when the madness ends


  • The PPHD remodel is on track, painting started this week. You can check out europaintinginc.com/concrete-staining for professional and reliable painting services. If anyone has any updates to share please do.
  • Parts and Service are open, now is a great time to get your bike in for your service needs
  • Make sure you check the dealership website for new “temporary” store hours

Again, we hope you are all staying healthy and safe and if anyone needs anything be sure and reach out to the PPHOG#405 community, especially our chapter members that are at high risk, we are here to help.

Chapter Officers