164Registered Members
1536Total Miles Ridden 2025
938077Total miles ridden 2024

Who We Are

Pikes Peak HOG #405 is a group of motorcycle riders from all walks of life who own Harley Davidson Motorcycles and love to ride. We are lucky to have opportunities to ride all year in one of the most beautiful places on earth. No matter what style ride you like best there is probably a Pikes Peak #405 member happy to join you. We host many different events throughout the year and members often plan additional rides and hook up last minute to squeeze in some time on two wheels, no matter the season, when an opportunity presents itself. We usually have a couple of weekend rides of varying lengths and distances, some of our events are rides only for HOG members and some are open rides where non-member riders are welcome to join us in our fun.

Our most famous open ride is the annual High Altitude 5 IN 1 Poker Run where riders crest 5 mountain passes over 10,000 feet in a single day. We also host a Frosted Nut’ ride on New Year’s Day for any rider (member or non-member) willing to climb in the saddle and earn some legit miles regardless of temperature. Our PPHOG members-only rides include destination outings, fall rides to see the Aspens turning, pumpkin patch visits, poker runs, mountain passes, national parks, historical sites, and more. Many of our members are also members of other motorcycle groups such as Black Sheep, American Legion Riders and HOG chapters from across the state and country.

Our Dealership

Pikes Peak Harley-Davidson began as Colorado Springs Harley-Davidson in 1934 and was located in 3,500 square feet in ‘Motor City’, the local ‘Auto Row’.  In that first year they sold approximately 20 motorcycles and a few parts.

Pikes Peak Harley Davidson is now located on I-25 with Pikes Peak majestically towering in front of the dealership and Pulpit Rock; a local hiking favorite, sitting in its back yard.  Newly remodeled in 2020, the design updated the exterior of the building adding windows across the front, opened up the sales floor, added a rider lounge and outdoor seating so that riders and guests from across the country can hang out and enjoy a grand view of Pikes Peak.

Your experience starts with PPHD’s most important asset–the staff.  Owner, Rob Brooks and his wife Christy, have created an environment where each staff member is encouraged to ‘be a character’ and provide a customer experience that is second to none. Their goal is for everyone who visits Pikes Peak Harley Davidson is to feel like part of the family, and their people do a great job.

If you are a local, we encourage you to stop by and see what all the buzz is about. Follow Pikes Peak Harley Davidson on Facebook, check out their website at pikespeakharleydavidson.com and subscribe to the newsletter to keep up on all special events.

If you are visiting from out-of-town, we are located in scenic Colorado Springs, Colorado where we enjoy year around riding and have many destinations to explore. Bring all your essentials though–we have been known to ride through all four seasons in one day! Ask one of our staff for hints on popular routes and destinations.

Be Our Guest

Join us for a monthly chapter meeting held on the first Saturday of each month at Pikes Peak Harley Davidson.  Meetings begin with a hot cup of coffee, something to eat and some time to socialize.  Throughout the meeting we discuss upcoming events, safety, dealership offers and events, as well as new things to make PPHOG the best chapter it can be.  Check the calendar to see when the next meeting is scheduled.

Membership in the Pikes Peak HOG Chapter is open to any person who is a member of the National Harley Owner’s Group (HOG) and is interested in the purposes of our group. We do not discriminate in the granting of membership rights and benefits on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.

You may also join us on one of our rides. Just show up….our friendly members will take it from there. See our calendar for scheduled rides and events.

Have you seen enough?  You can always join now.

Meet the Team



Ann W.

Assistant Director

Kim C.




Thom P.